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God’s Ministry w/the Simiens
God’s Ministry w/the Simiens
I Believe In Miracles
I Believe In Miracles Is about God TODAY! Listen to these testimonies! and just BELIEVE! Surviving Cancer! Overcoming With Faith When God Does It! …When He Is Old He Will Not Depart..
Cindy Causey
Cindy E. Causey is an ordained elder in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and the pastor of Williams Chapel in Jeffersonville, Georgia. She is also a retired public school educator/administrator and theologically trained at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. She desires to love God’s people and bring Jesus home to the hearts of […]
Let’s Talk Impact w/ Dr. Sey
People don’t care about the expensive clothes you wear, how big is the house you own or the car your drive to say that they don’t respect your achievements. They want to know your impact!
Sport Channel
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